An inventory involves compiling an official document that contains a descriptive record for each item, including photographs and all the details (materials, style, condition, etc.) necessary for its evaluation and identification.


The inventory involves having your assets appraised by an authorized auctioneer; Art Consult Expert assumes civil and professional liability. This inventory can lead to tax savings if the actual value of your furniture is less than 5% of the total estate. The inventory has a definitive character and cannot be challenged by tax authorities.

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The inventory allows you to determine the true value of your assets for a fair division or for potential future sales.

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The estimated inventory enables your insurer to determine the most suitable policy for you. In the event of theft or other loss, the inventory serves as proof to your insurance provider. It provides irrefutable evidence of the existence and value of an item, ensuring fair compensation. This inventory can be updated based on market fluctuations.

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